- If you choose to use our secure shopping cart, your credit card number is encrypted during transit - it is 100% guaranteed safe and totally secure.
- Do not send your credit card number by regular email. You are welcomed to call us at:
- We never sell, trade, or give away any email addresses or contact information to anyone - for any reason - ever.
- The only cookies utilized are for measurement of site traffic only... no personal information whatsoever is ever captured.
Our Guarantee to You
- If you purchase any item from us that is damaged during transit to you, we will exchange it or refund your money without question.
- If you purchase any item from us that is not what you expected, we will exchange it or refund your money without question.
- You have a full 30 days to return any item you get from us that is not what you expected, to receive a full credit. All we ask is that you thoroughly pack the item for safe transit to us.
- You can exchange an item at any time up til 30 days from purchase, as long as it is in good condition.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our work...
Email Us